Monday, August 4, 2008

How to treat acne from prednisone and does sulfur kill acne causing bacteria

Well, for those who are dealing with acne for the first time in their life, and that the break out is so serious to require medication, there are certain guidelines that may be helpful.
Many adults suffer from recurring acne. Oftentimes, their acne is too stubbornly persistent that creams, washes, or antibiotics that can be bought over the counter no longer work on them.
You may be wondering how to keep your face clean if you abandon the commercial products you've been using. Salt water is the best cleanser for your skin! One half teaspoon of salt in a quart of water is the right mixture for most skin; use it at lukewarm temperature for a healthy, well-balanced complexion. The salt will rinse away excess oil and dry the skin just enough to discourage pimples while not over stimulating oil glands.
tags: can you prevent hormonal acne breakouts, acne acid salicylic, oral pills to cure acne

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