Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Severe acne scar removal

« ...I will admit that it is quite common for those in their early teen years to pout a little bit, and suffer from the complications of low self-esteem. Who can blame them, really? I mean, going from middle school to high school is a huge change, the onset of puberty gets all those hormones going, and the awkwardness of going from childhood into the teen years can be a total shock to the system! Now, I have to hand it to my daughter...she never seemed to fall victim to the shock of high school, hormones, or the awkwardness of the childhood to teen transition. There is one thing that she fell victim to, though... acne....
...These are only external methods of cleansing the skin, it is important to keep your digestive system clean and eat foods that will enhance the skin condition too. Avoid excessive oily foods and starches which will make the sebaceous glands produce more oil and clog the pores. Eat more of green leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce, fruits that contain healing properties like citrus fruits, strawberries, apples, and consume at least two liters of water in a day. Vitamin A helps in bringing down the acne eruptions and in clearing the skin. Water helps to flush out the toxins from the body and leaves your digestive system clean. The old method of a glass of warm water with a squeeze of lime and a teaspoon of honey will work wonders in cleansing your skin from within....»
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«...Plugged follicles can take the form of either whiteheads, where the plugged follicle remains beneath the skin's surface, or blackheads, where the plug in the follicle extends to the skin's surface and becomes visible. Once a follicle becomes plugged, it creates an ideal environment for a common sebum-eating skin bacterium, Propionibacterium acnes (or just P. Acnes), to multiply. This bacterium produces enzymes and chemicals that irritate and inflame the skin around a clogged follicle. Pimples, breakouts, or zits are common names for the lesions that result from this type of skin irritation and inflammation, though doctors have more precise ways of classifying acne lesions. For most people, acne is a generally mild condition. Of course, a pimple at the wrong time is never desirable, but in truth, there are far more concerning issues than acne. For some people, however, severe cases can result in permanent scarring if left untreated....»
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tags: britney spears acne cure, cystic acne getting rid off cysts fast, acne treatment products with salicylic acid

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