Thursday, July 3, 2008

Brown spots on face acne and acne problem

The answer is, most so called 'acne cure creams', do little to actually get rid of acne. Whilst cleaning ones face and applying moisturizer is important for getting rid of excess dirt and filth that can lead to further acne, cleaning oneself too much or applying too many skin-care cream can actually create a reverse effect by over irritating the skin. It's important to do everything in moderation. Whilst creams and the like do offer some minimal relief of acne, don't rely on them too much.
1. I believe the most effective natural treatment for acne is the use of lemon juice and rose water. It's so easy to get hold of these two ingredients, you can get them just about anywhere in the world at a cheap price. These two ingredients mixed together, create one hell of a effective solution that will eliminate your acne. What you do is simple, you mix the together, 50% lemon juice and 50% rose water. Then you apply the solution to a cotton pad, or a flanel. And then apply the solution to your infected acne areas, leave on for 30 minutes minimum, then wash off with warm water.
Nodule or Cyst – This form of inflamatory acne is large in size and usually very painful, nodules are inflamed, pus-filled lesions lodged deep within the skin. Nodules develop when the contents of a comedo have spilled into the surrounding skin and the local immune system responds, producing pus. The most severe form of acne lesion, nodules may persist for weeks or months, their contents hardening into a deep cyst. Both nodules and cysts often leave deep scars.
tags: does clean clear work acne, exposed acne treatment reviews, photo of surgical removal of cystic acne

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