Monday, June 2, 2008

Free acne medication and skin peel on acne prone skin

The disease is characterized by a great variety of lesions which vary from patient to patient but most patients have multiple types of lesions. Various types of lesions are comedones (black or white), pa¬pules, pustules, nodules and cysts. There may be post inflammatory Hyperpigementation, The common sites are the face, the upper chest, back and the upper arm. In milder form, the comedones predominate the picture and the pustules are relatively infrequent. In severe form, there is preponderance of inflarnmatory papules, pustules, nodules and cystic lesions. Scarring frequently follows severe type of acne.
The following treatments can be effective for adult acne. First of all check your skin care products that you are using. Some cleaners or soap that you are using might not be suitable for your skin type. Normally a gentle cleaning solution is suitable for all type of skins.
There are several different kinds of acne treatments that you can choose from including homemade, store bought and prescribed. If cost is a factor, a homemade acne treatment is your best bet. Many department store products are also fairly inexpensive and bring about great results. So, what's better, homemade or store bought? Nearly 80 percent of people who tried department store acne treatments reported an improvement in their acne condition. Those who chose a homemade acne treatment also reported a great improvement in their skin. This means that personal preference, cost and convenience are the deciding factors.
tags: how to treat acne vulgaris, home remedies for acne and dry skin, how long does it take to clear acne with proactiv

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